Leadership & Team Management

As the lead developer for the purpleDx Dashboard project, I was responsible for managing a multidisciplinary team of developers. My leadership involved overseeing the entire development process, ensuring that the project met all deadlines, and maintaining a high standard of code quality. I coordinated closely with external teams to integrate their work into our platform, particularly focusing on the seamless integration of data from the purpleDx SaMD mobile application. My role also included acting as a Scrum Lead, where I implemented Agile methodologies to streamline our workflows and enhance collaboration across the team.

Dashboard Development

The purpleDx Dashboard was designed to enable clinicians to remotely monitor patients' health by visualising data collected from the purpleDx SaMD mobile application. The dashboard provided clinicians with a secure platform to log in, view patient metrics, and analyse trends over time. I was instrumental in the creation of this dashboard, ensuring that it was both user-friendly and highly functional. The development process involved building custom components, optimising data flows, and ensuring compliance with industry standards for medical data handling.

Technology Stack

  • Node.js
  • React
  • Next.js
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • Tailwind CSS
  • MySQL
  • Azure
  • AWS

Visual Preview