View my CV or download below.


Technical Skills & Key Strengths

Node.js | Next.js | React | JavaScript | HTML | CSS | Python | Flutter | Java | SQL | AWS | GCP | Azure | Git | Bitbucket

Collaboration | Rapid Learning | Proactive Problem Solving | Logical Thinking


Loughborough University

Oct 2021 - Sept 2025

- UK Computer Science BSc

Reepham Sixth Form College

Sept 2019 - Jun 2021

- Physics (A), Maths (A), Computer Science (B)

Work Experience

Software Engineer Placement


July 2023 - Present

  • - Led development of web and mobile applications, including projects for clinical data collection and analysis, applying full-stack development skills.
  • - Acted as Scrum Lead, managing a small team using Agile methodologies to ensure timely delivery and alignment with project goals.
  • - Spearheaded the integration of Python-based machine learning models into cloud services, converting them into microservices for enhanced scalability.
  • - Involved in clinical trials and data collection studies on respiratory conditions such as COPD and asthma, including a 100-patient study in Japan using a Software as a Medical Device (SaMD).
  • - Collaborated with advanced machine learning and data science teams to develop innovative solutions in healthcare technology.


purpleDx Dashboard


  • - Developed a web application designed to enable clinicians to remotely monitor patient health, utilizing data collected from the PurpleDx SaMD mobile application. The dashboard allowed clinicians to log in, view patient metrics, and analyze health trends over time.
  • - Led an internal development team to create a custom web dashboard, ensuring seamless data integration with the mobile application through close collaboration with external teams. This role honed my leadership skills and deepened my understanding of full-stack development and cross-team coordination.

Dr In Your Pocket


  • - Developed a community website and forum for individuals with respiratory conditions, facilitating information sharing and support.
  • - Implemented front-end with Next.js and React; back-end powered by Firebase and hosted on AWS.


Oxcitas, electronRx

  • - Integrated machine learning models into microservices to process biomarkers, generating predictive age and risk scores, which were then utilized within a web application.
  • - Developed web applications that interfaced seamlessly with these microservices, enabling users to upload data and visualize results through an intuitive, user-friendly interface.
  • - Collaborated closely with PhD-level ML engineers to refine the models and contributed to the creation of a robust MVP, which was showcased to collaborators and partners.